
I’m 21 years old, male, and live in the US. Currently a junior in college, studying for a degree in Information Technology. I love to write software apps and tools. Usually motivated by the desire for some software to exist or to be better than existing solutions.

I’m proficient in C# and know how to use Microsoft’s UWP/WASDK and ASP.NET frameworks. I have also worked in C/C++ and Python(but I hate python).


  • Favorite Games:
    • Tetris
    • Rhythm Heaven DS
    • Sonic Mania
    • Portal 2
    • Undertale
  • Favorite Musical Artists
    • Madeon
    • Jai Wolf
    • Midnight Kids
    • Justice
    • Daft Punk

Khajiit has wares if you have coin

Because I’m just a college student atm I don’t have a job. All my projects are done for free and are available for free. If you wanna help me make more projects you can donate to me on Paypal, CashApp, or Ko-Fi

I’m also open to be hired and work on projects for or with you! If you’re interested in hiring me, please email me at epsirho@gmail.com

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy